HMT did a interview with Gene (Bhelliom/Truth Be Known) recently:
Who are some of the drummers that have had huge influence on your playing style?
I wouldn’t recommend my playing style to anyone. It’s a very lazy, “Don’t think, just do” style. The influences I have, I try to emulate, but fail miserably. One of my biggest influences is Gene Hoglan. That guy is improving constantly and I hear he’s super nice….plus we share the same first name haha. I love playing the songs on “Symbolic”. Another one is Danny Carey, I just love his work with Tool and his progressive style. Lately, I’ve been trying to incorporate the styles of Brann Dailor and Dirk Verbeuren. These guys are simply amazing. Of course, if you don’t hear any of these influences….as I said…I fail.
Being one of the more respected drummers in the Singapore metal scene, what do you think are some of the difficulties that most drummers in Singapore face?
Wah really? Respected? You sure you got the right drummer? Anyway, one of the biggest difficulties is convincing your neighbour that you’re actually playing music. It’s even tougher for us metal drummers. We just can’t lower our volumes or wear headphones. You could try practice pads…but what fun are those? Try hitting all your Chinas and Crashes together and soon your neighbour to come to your door knocking at 300bpm. Free metronome, time to blast beat. Another thing is most of us can’t afford to have a really nice big setup because of lack of space or funds.
For full interview please check out HMT